Yes, this is Coach Sam’s famous Brave of Heart package - the very one that whipped Hollywood A-Lister Mel Gibson into tip top shape in just eight weeks … and has kept him there for over six years!  And yes, we still work together and talk daily after all this time!

The Brave of Heart Package is a carefully formulated eight week program that has been designed to provide you with the one-to-one coaching you need to achieve what ever goal you want - from reducing your waist circumference, gaining muscle, getting fitter, improving your overall health and wellness - or, as many people say : “I’ll have the lot, thanks!”.  

During your eight week Brave of Heart Package, Coach Sam is by your side, one-to-one, every single day of your time together. I’ll teach you how to fuel and nourish your body, show you how to move in a way that serves you best and becomes the ultimate accountability buddy - all while teaching you new skills you can implement for life.

Your Brave of Heart Package is ALL about education - there’s no point in you doing program after program after program. You’ll be set up once and for all with glowing, abundant health and energy in a body you love the look of!

This is DEFINITELY not your run-of-the-mill diet or exercise plan! The Brave of Heart Package consists of Sam’s personalised meal planning combined with a tailored exercise program designed specifically for you, the time you have and the goals you want to achieve. There’s NEVER a one size fits all approach to health and we’ll never go on a restrictive diet, do fasting, use supplements or any other ‘fad’ products.  You’ll learn everything you need to create a sustainable lifestyle that leaves you looking exactly how you want to look and feeling on top of the world - forever!  I don’t just give you a list of ‘do’s and don’ts’, I educate and empower you - all while showing you how to eat REAL food and plenty of it!

When I met Sam my life changed forever.
— Ross Stevenson, NSW

For those that have the courage to commit to this intense package, the Brave of Heart Package offers you the chance to achieve the things you’ve always wanted to but nobody has been able to deliver on.

You’ll receive

  • Live, private 1:1 coaching sessions with Coach Sam every week

  • Ongoing daily support, accountability and coaching with 24/7 access to Coach Sam

  • A comprehensive and personalised meal plan with daily recipes tailored specifically to YOU

  • Bespoke exercise programs and progressions with personalised instruction videos for you to keep

  • Weekly monitoring and tracking so Coach Sam can tweak your program to provide the best outcomes for you

  • Work in your own timezone - where ever you are in the world, Coach Sam will be available in your time

  • Complimentary entry to the 5-Week HealthKick, Coach Sam’s online program straight after your Brave of Heart Package

The Brave of Heart Package is not only life changing - it’s intense! And let’s not deny it - at AU$2,995 it’s an investment in your health that will last you a lifetime. Before any money changes hands, Coach Sam will want to talk with you and make sure of a few things - this package has to be the right course of action for you, your expectations of what we’ll do and what the outcomes will be are firmly set, all of your questions are answered so you’re making a fully informed decision, and we’re going to be able to work together well. We will never go ahead with a Brave of Heart Package without a 15 minute Zoom call first, so if you’re thinking this package might be for you, please reach out via my Contact Me page and we’ll tee up a time to chat and make sure this package is right for you. (and yes, it’s actually me who will contact you - I don’t get someone else to chat with you first, this package is personal so you deal with me right from the word go!)