Just imagine what it would feel like if you feared no food (I’m looking at you, carbs!), ditched your cravings, had high energy all day and looking in the mirror made you happy?

Regularly featured …

Thousands of people worldwide have had their lives changed

Jo B -

“I just completed the program and I love it! I was sceptical about measuring myself but I lost 26cm!!”

Award winning Actor & Director Mel Gibson -

“You don’t get hungry or ‘weird skinny’ in the face. It was a miracle really … at least I fit in the mirror now!”

Dave T -

“I would like to thank you so much for your help & enthusiasm. I have lost 42.5cm and 9.5kg and I’m feeling awesome”

You’ve tried EVERYTHING. And sure, it works for a short time … but then it doesn’t. You’re seriously over the diet merry-go-round and you want to get off. Starving yourself. Buying expensive shakes and supplements that cost a fortune and then sit at the back of the cupboard half-full because they just weren’t for you. Trying every single diet that your friends did, that instagram said you should, and that all the ‘wellness gurus’ are touting as the next thing.

Your tolerance for watching other people enjoy carbs while you can only drool over the thought of eating potatoes, pasta and delicious bread is just about at it’s limit and you’ve had enough of the ‘don’t eat this/that/the other’ brigade, who change their minds from one second to the next about what is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ for you right now.

You’re tired of not having any energy. You’re fed up with being a slave to the 3pm slump and so help me if you get one more sugar craving you’re going to lose control. You’re sick of your clothes not fitting how you want them to, you don’t want to wear things so you can ‘cover up’ any more, your bathroom scales terrify you (but at the same time you can’t stay off them!) and you want the confidence of your 20’s back!

You want your life back. You want your body back. You want your energy and mental clarity back.

You want to like yourself again … and it’s YOUR time NOW

If you nodded your head reading along with the above description, then my exclusive Five Week HealthKick is absolutely for you.

I see thousands of men and women being caught up in the diet misinformation merry-go-round, slurping shakes, buying expensive supplements, fasting and being taken for a ride by countless ‘wellness gurus’ on Instagram who are just out to make a buck or two.

And it breaks my heart … and gotta admit, makes me mad too!

I designed the 5-Week HealthKick to be affordable, educational, and to set you up for life by eating REAL food (I’m talking carbs here people!!), in quantities that will energise your body instead of depleting it.

You will learn to teach your body how to lose fat and keep it off … forever!!

And there’s no dieting, no shakes, pills or potions, no expensive ingredients and no reducing carbs … and yes, you’ll start seeing results in the first week!

Thousands of people all around the world who have tried EVERY. SINGLE. DIET. have finally found the most simple way of eating that works - it really does teach your body to lose fat all on it’s own!

Without starving, without cutting carbs or slogging it out in the gym, and all while eating multiple times a day - you’re never ever hungry and no food is off the menu!

And yes, your waistline will shrink … because this is for you.

So who is the HealthKick for??

So who is the HealthKick for?? •

You’ve been on every diet imaginable and they’ve all let you down. Your cravings are out of control and you just want to eat real food & feel satisfied for once!

You’d like to exercise because it makes you feel good, not to punish yourself. You want to be active, have energy and do so in a way that fits for your lifestyle.

No matter how many diets you’ve been on or how much exercise you’ve done, your waistline doesn’t budge and you just feel like you can’t get any answers

The brain fog is REAL!!! By 3pm you’ve run out of steam, your head is cloudy, the cravings hit HARD and the self-sabotage beast gets you every time!

Well, first and foremost - I teach you how to balance your blood sugar hormones throughout the day so you don’t get the spikes, dips and cravings. And the big bonus of your blood sugar hormones being balanced are that your moods become stable and best of all … your body doesn’t store excess fat! But also …

You’ll be learning how to ensure you’re eating enough … without counting calories or weighing ingredients!

Many ‘diets’ out there restrict valuable nutrients and energy, making you feel tired, hungry and miserable.

With what you’ll learn in Health Kick, you’ll neither be stuffed nor starved, but just right for you!

Exercise doesn’t have to be all doom, gloom and burpees!!

I’ll teach you that exercise can be enjoyable, you don’t need a gym membership (unless you want one of course) and you don’t need to work out for hours at a time!

You’ll learn ways of staying active in Health Kick that will make your body sing!

Say this with me nice and loud - “there’s no good food or bad food, it’s all just food!”

Where a ‘diet’ will leave you longing for some fun food like pizza, burgers or some hot chips (because hot chips are life, lets be honest!), I’ll be encouraging you to eat them - and yes, you’ll still get results!

We don’t do ‘diet food’ or avoid carbs around here - everything is on the menu!

You’ll finally know what it feels like to not have any sugar cravings!

Cravings are real and they’re horrid - so let’s kick them to the curb once and for all! When your blood sugar hormones are balanced it’s impossible for you to get sugar cravings -so say hello to complete food freedom!

This doesn’t mean that sweets are off the menu, it just means that you’ll be in control rather than them controlling you!

We’ll bring all the puzzle pieces together and make sure there’s never any room for self sabotage!

This is the one aspect that most people are most grateful for - conquering the self sabotage beast for good! You can go out for dinner anywhere, travel for work and go on holiday without fear of ‘losing it’!

Once all the pieces fit and you’re armed with knowledge & understanding, you’ll realise that there’s absolutely nothing you cannot do. How would it feel to be empowered and in control all of the time?

Coach Sam teaching me how to take the stress out of food is a game changer! I have dieted, done keto, fasting and counted calories and NOTHING has made me look or feel like this!
— Chantelle T

Weekly coaching videos explaining each aspect of what we do and how your body works. The videos are fun, easy listening and packed full of all the information & education you’ll ever need!

A fun exercise program that anybody of any fitness level can do at home with zero or minimal equipment to help you start to get active. Exercise is important, but never needs to be awful!

Downloadable workbooks with all the information you need plus a weekly bundle of delicious recipe ideas for you too! Your books make all the complex information really simple & easy to implement!

All contained in an exclusive, private online portal

Thousands of people from all over the world have changed their lives, their families lives and their outlook on life, simply by following my program to balance their blood sugar hormones, reduce their belly fat and get their energy back.

Like Pete C here, who couldn’t imagine the thought of giving up pasta … so he didn’t! And he still lost 19cm from his waist!

You’ll learn to eat out, design delicious meals and understand that no food is off the menu!

You want to get off the yoyo diet roller coaster, you want to eat real food, and you want to look in the mirror and smile at your gorgeous reflection looking back at you. Your clothes fit exactly how you want them to, your energy levels are high and consistent, the brain fog & cravings are gone and you’re never starving again.

You want to join Pete in changing your life forever?? Of course you do!

Start now, have access forever!

You get

Lifetime access to my 5 Week Health Kick program

Access to my monthly subscription program after you complete HealthKick, so you can keep your motivation & accountability red hot!

The comfort of knowing you’re being coached by a qualified expert Clinical Nutritionist and Master Personal Trainer, not just an Instagram ‘wellness guru’

Even though there’s thousands of dollars of value and education waiting for you inside HealthKick, I really wanted to make it affordable for absolutely everyone to access.

Work with your own Celebrity Health Coach for five weeks for just US$99!

Just as a reminder of what you receive in Coach Sam’s HealthKick …

  • A bundle of blood sugar balancing recipes every week for you to enjoy!

  • A fun & simple exercise program to get you up and moving, what ever your fitness and strength level right now! You don’t need equipment and you can do it at home!

  • Weekly coaching videos teaching you all the principles of how to balance your blood sugar hormones, so your body loses fat & keeps it off!

  • Weekly workbooks containing practical lessons to really drive home the education, so this is the last program you’ll ever do! You’ll learn how to eat to balance your blood sugar hormones and regulate your appetite, how to exercise in a fun way that feels good for you, you’ll learn that cravings are a thing of the past and fun food is in your future! And then we’ll bring it all together and learn how to banish the self sabotage monster so you can maintain your results forever!

  • You’ll have access to my follow on subscription, only available to people who have completed one of my courses for ongoing help, training, motivation and accountability, plus live Q&A with me every fortnight, more recipes and new fun exercises every month!